<<@Snowcrystalsfalling says : The life and foundation of Adventists theology was copied: Ellen G White copied from James White, who copied it from J N Andrews. All provable and verified.>> <<@TimTestifies says : Abortion in our SDA hospitals. Ted Wilson supports abortion in cases of rape. Yet the bible says the children are not to be punished for the sins of the father. "thou shalt not murder" in the civil half of the commandments having to do with how we treat each other. It is absolutely permissable to support as the civil law of the land. This is not fusion of church and state, for it has nothing to do with the worship of God, but how we love each other as ourselves. The second commandment like unto the first, not the first and greatest commandment Jesus preached. Bible also says to not reward evil with evil many times. Or in other words, two wrongs dont make a right! Why does Wilson support someones "right" to murder? This is not a matter of church and state. EGW herself promoted prohibition and antiSlavery voting and outspokenness as a church on this "political" stance concerning civil matters. Abortion is a sin right after inception. Why? Could God refuse to create satan at Gods first inception of him even though God knew what satan would become? Nope. Because God is not a murderer and cant violate freewill. Nor should anyone violate the will of defenseless children. A sacrifice to moloch This is a matter of our leaders refusing to call sin by its right name because over 90% of NAD income alone is federal funding, not church and tithes. And it can be recended by law if our leadership were to apologize for forcing vaccines on the flock, not sparing the flock, or if they speak against abortion and ban it in our hospitals. Our institutions would close overnight. Just ask Conrad Vine. So then who can judge Ted Wislon or the leadership? Only God. But we will call sin by its right name and the church needs to be looking into not being so dependent on the federal government as SDA Pastor Conrad Vine rightfully pointed out. Now is not the time to be condemning independent ministries. I can tell you that. The Catholic will mock us for honoring the 4th commandment above any man, while having no regard for the 6th commandment above the authority of any man. We will be called liars and it will be the same greatest argument used against early protestantism at rhe council of Trent, accussing us as fraud and dividers for power because we still honor Sunday and thus do not believe in the Word as the greatest authority but ourselves.>> <<@patrickmbokodi1983 says : Apropo "Lucifer", that is a misleading rendition by a Roman Monk and many have swallowed this unscriptural teaching ie that Satan was "Lucifer". He was NEVER a "Lucifer". And there was never any " controversy" between Almighty God and Satan, a deceitful being purposefully created by God for the special assignment of deceiving all mankind, begining with Eve in Genesis, to the whole world, until God stops him by throwing him in the lake of fire. People should examine their Scriptures and not just accept teachings without questioning their origin. PLEASE STOP MISLEADING GOD'S PEOPLE. There is no controversy between Sovereign God and the devil. Such a false teaching belittles Almighty God. Who is Satan that he can have a " controversy" with God? And it is not true that God " allows" him either. No he carries out God's purposes at all time. Not his.>> <<@joerabarandino1304 says : Amen πŸ™>> <<@frankout4610 says : Western Australia ABC has a very small supply of SOP books even Daniel Revelation by Uriah Smith took over 6 months to order. I have been waiting for 3 years for testimonies vol 1..9 and the our own Bible the Open Bible. Is our church policy now to make our books extremely hard to get?>> <<@nyibolruach1189 says : They protect themselft with fake model and dark screen>> <<@nyibolruach1189 says : Can I call you please>> <<@nyibolruach1189 says : Please help protect my family they don't know God they just creat lie>> <<@EDTalks777 says : Good Day may I ask if I can use some portion of this video like the prayer part, to cut it and put it in my video? But I will put the link and credits, I am planning to make a series also but in my own native language. Thank you>> <<@Bro.DaisleySnippets2022 says : I look forward to participating in the great controversy drive>> <<@alongcamejones309 says : The Great Controversy is Not a Prophetic Book, it is a total fake. EGW did not have the SOP, she wasn't even an ordinary every day Prophet. SDA's are so Naive and Gullible. Throw the Book away.>> <<@eduard_glibka says : May God richly bless you pastor Ted, your family, ministry, the whole Sda church and all people that we’ll reach by this book ❀>> <<@aklilugedefaw7269 says : Praise God for this wonderful book. God bless you all of u what you have done to unfold the truth>> <<@claricemcgregor7516 says : Great project !! Great book to study with you both>> <<@boricuaenbrazil says : Praise the Lord! "From the minutest atom to the greatest world...God is Love.">> <<@JoshPLewis says : How do we sign up to hear or watch? Is it just gonna be videos released on YouTube that we find in our newsfeed? You need to tell people some more details.>> <<@emmanuelmutuku7434 says : Papacy is winning big>> <<@alohaohana901 says : You two are creepy looking.>> <<@writeonwoman says : I have just started reading this.>> <<@evasochima2994 says : We are ready, Amen>> <<@leroysmith6676 says : Mr it good to know you are promoting the gc but you get the money some years ago and you did not deliver as promised, people get the books yourself and give it out that way you will be sure the work is done, this is lipservice, we won't be fooled again, give the books personally everyone of us have this work to do>> <<@MinisteriodePublicacoes88 says : β€œTo stand in defense of truth and righteousness when the majority forsake us, to fight the battles of the Lord when champions are fewβ€”this will be our test.” Testimonies for the Church, vol. 5 p. 136.2.>> <<@oscarlumberg8865 says : Is this actually the Great controversy or just the great hope rebranded?>> <<@elisabethmendoza339 says : PRAISE THE LORD!!!!!!! HAPPY SABBATH, 2023 FIRST SABBATH OF THE YEAR.>> <<@elisabethmendoza339 says : THANKS A LOT, PASTOR AND WIFE, TO LEAD US, THAT IMPORTANT BOOK. THE HOLY SPIRIT POWER DESCEND AMONG USπŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™>> <<@nyirakibibialphonsine5187 says : Amen and Amen πŸ™ we are readyπŸ’―/πŸ’―>> <<@jeremiahmathayo2191 says : Thank you very much General conference for organizing and make sure this enlightened and good book elaborated the controversial between good and error especially in are corrupted world people needed to know the truth that will set them True, every body should read, contribute and share with fellow friend, labour, neighbors and anyone surrounding him or her for salvation and for Christ's sake. Thank you for reading implement with the Help of Holy Spirit. I love you all brethren.>> <<@niyomwungeriaime6611 says : Amen. We are ready for the work of the Lord. Blessings.>> <<@jamesmochama4309 says : Amen πŸ™>> <<@ucheokoro2979 says : Amen and Amen! Thank you Pastor.>> <<@prushrajrajnath9581 says : Come out of her is God's call to our leaders why give this GC bk after you all have join their ranks it a big deception for those of us who trust leaders who have derailed>> <<@prushrajrajnath9581 says : What does this bk tell's us of Jesuitism and our staying clear of their deceptiveness??pg 234 chp12 so why did we allow them to take over our schools coleges etc and our medical teaching.what about your position on covid and vacc who did your directive come from??>> <<@mariadejesuspereiramatosma9646 says : Amen!>> <<@howardloewen1834 says : He knows he has only 2 and a half years left so let's see what he can come up with regards that fabulous book which is the only book she wrote that the servant of the Lord says we should "reread." Age is telling on him as you can hear in his voice as it does on me as well. I am 77 double perfect, as 7 is the perfect number. See Christ's Object Lessons page 243.>> <<@barbarabuckley9615 says : Amen πŸ™πŸΌ>> <<@jacklinenaula933 says : Mine has no soundπŸ˜’πŸ˜“πŸ˜­πŸ˜­πŸ˜°πŸ˜°πŸ˜°πŸ˜°πŸ˜¨πŸ˜¨>> <<@life.after.adventism says : Quote from EGW: β€œIn ancient times God spoke to men by the mouth of prophets and apostles. In these days He speaks to them by the testimonies of His Spirit.” Does this sound familiar? Yes. It’s almost like the verse in Hebrews 1. Except that the part where in Hebrews it says that God in these last days speaks to us through His Son, EGW took Jesus out and put her writings there. Helloooo!!!! Doesn’t that ring the bell!!?!??? She kicked Jesus out of this verse and put herself on Jesus spot!!!! That’s blasphemous!!!! Put her writings away, and read the Bible ONLY!!!!!!>> <<@jennefercaga-anan6547 says : Happy preparation day to all watching from Kuwait>> <<@Edite47 says : Amen πŸ™ pastor>> <<@briannichols4717 says : The link doesn't work.>> <<@calebsipakati8128 says : Good objective! But unless Elder Wilson and the GC ensure availability of a much cheaper version of this book, we won't achieve our targets of massive circulation ... ( Question. Why not make it as affordable as The Great Hope?)>> <<@floradeocampo3089 says : Amen!>> <<@clc7378 says : πŸ™πŸΌ>> <<@jorgeluisosoriobustillo9687 says : Wonderful book, it is going to interest really very intetesting, we are readyi for that. It is the book of the moment. God blessing you Pr.>> <<@cordeliamarieclairecastori3928 says : AMEN AND AMEN!, πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯ yes, wonderful and book indeed! Have been praying for this project! May the Holy Spirit talk to us, and may we be attentive! Prayers and blessings, always!πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ˜‡πŸ“–πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ˜ŠπŸ’πŸŽΆπŸŽΆπŸŽΆπŸŽΆπŸŽΆπŸŽΆπŸŽΆβ€πŸ˜ŠπŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘>> <<@mattconde3440 says : I wish I could read it this year.>> <<@bonbalab_ says : Amen,praise God Thank you so much God bless>> <<@annpaita3130 says : Amen.>> <<@susanbarnhart7310 says : I need to get her books. I have them saved on Amazon>> <<@billmartin3561 says : I would think the great controversy would be that Ellen White plagiarized her prophecies.>>