<<@BibleProphecyMadeClear says : Thank you for this video - enjoyed it :) Doublecheck your info on caffeine and chocolate in the body. I heard it doesn't react the same as coffee caffeine.>> <<@patrickforget5088 says : Oh and by the way when I do sleep I sleep very well like last night it let me sleep and I slept like a baby>> <<@patrickforget5088 says : Well all that I know is I drink coffee clear up to the time I go to bed it doesn't affect me you get used to it and in my case I'm up all night anyway I suffer with chronic pain so I don't think a little bit of coffee is going to hurt me and if it's going to make my life expectancy shorter well shoot I ought to start chugging the crap>> <<@compassion6452 says : This is great and important information that needs to be shared the world over. Amen!>>