<<@coral9574 says : Glory to God in the highest 💓peace be to all seventhday Adventist 🌍💕🍓🤗 merry Christmas to uncle Ted and family😀💖>> <<@angihoria815 says : Pacea Credința Nădejde Dragostea Lui Isus Hristos Amin>> <<@dwaynemcrae6874 says : Amen 🙏>> <<@elisabethmendoza339 says : HAPPY SABATTH AND MERRY CHRISTMAS, PASTOR TED WILSON, WIFE AND FAMILY, TOO ALL READING THIS WONDERFUL MESSAGE🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏>> <<@hilarydavis716 says : Thank you Elder and Mrs Wilson for such a timely message 👏 🙏>> <<@poppychollo3096 says : Thank you Pastor Ted wilson and your wife>> <<@bonbalab_ says : Amen,praise God Thank you so much Pastor Ted and your wife Sis..Nancy. God bless and to your family>> <<@atomictruth2226 says : God made the same Jesus of Nazareth that the Jews crucified both Lord and Christ (Acts 2:33-36). God had raised Jesus from the dead, Whom the wicked Jews had profanely killed (Acts 2:22-24). In case they had forgotten, Peter quoted Psalm 110:1 to remind them of how He treated enemies! Jesus of Nazareth was the promised Messiah and Christ: He was also David’s Lord (Acts 2:35)! The untoward generation of Jews that had crucified Him was in serious trouble (Acts 2:40)! This sober warning in Peter’s sermon was due to a coming great and terrible day (Acts 2:20-21)!>> <<@atomictruth2226 says : “And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.” Matthew 24:14 There is no single greater evidence or proof of the divine origin of Christianity, the great glory and power of the Lord Jesus Christ as King of the kingdom of God, and the accuracy and reliability of the Bible than the prophecies and their fulfillments regarding the destruction of Jerusalem by the Roman armies under Titus in 70 AD.>> <<@theresahunter8291 says : ❤️❤️❤️>> <<@jannwilliams9825 says : Thanks for this Beautiful Message Jan Williams retired from Geoscience 😊>> <<@clc7378 says : Amen! Greetings and Blessings Elder & Mrs. Wilson! Thank You For This Message! My Hope Is Renewed! 🎉 May God Bless You and Your Family! 🙏🏼>> <<@fredsimmons2793 says : This is a falacy, facts prove Jesus was not born on this day or season! Adventists have known this have come to nourish the False Prophet and Beast power with this misleading drivel! Today Adventists guiding star thru our Advent Health systems is the Stock market .President Wilson's pension is tied into the stock market,as is most of our churches foundation!>> <<@gloriaamaral339 says : Pastor Ted Wilson o ano passado escutei pastores adventistas dizerem quem nasceu no dia 25 de dezembro foi tamuz um deus pagao. Pastor em todas as passagens que da da Biblia esta escrito o mes e o dia que JESUS nasceu?. JESUS disse para nos celebra-mos o seu nascimento? Nos devemos obedecer a PALAVRA DE DEUS. JESUS DEUS TODO PODEROSO tem alguma comparacao com o nascimento de tamuz no dia 25 dezembro. Pastor natal, pascoa, domingo eh tudo vinho de babilonia.>> <<@babettedeniseferrando says : Amen. Blessings Pastor Wilson to you and your family. 🙏🌺>>