<<@AttilioBonatti-rw8pb says : Would Brother Steven see comments if they're posted here?>> <<@darrellfort1668 says : AMEN!>> <<@SpottedEagleOwls says : Thank you for this presentation. It helps when you see the presenter and slides at the same time. wonderful idea.>> <<@fredm.9474 says : We have false teacher Sodom and Gomorrah season>> <<@fredm.9474 says : I maybe a sinner too not only you ok we all sin but I repented ok>> <<@fredm.9474 says : We all sin even the hypocrites in churches are all over after they got there blessing they fallback to going and worshipping God ok>> <<@fredm.9474 says : Sodom and Gomorrah season>> <<@fredm.9474 says : God's prophecy will all be fulfilled not men I hate to say it but that's the truth in the Bible ok>> <<@fredm.9474 says : Be straight SDA church God will have a worse judgement to this world bcoz of Satan disguises as an angel of light ok>> <<@fredm.9474 says : God's final judgement is WW3 famines gas prices will go up more diesel fuel too inflation is coming earth quake violent storm climate change nukes volcano erupting etc etc>> <<@brainretardant says : Aids pretty much, with a side of monkey pox>> <<@fredm.9474 says : This judgemental generation ok>> <<@fredm.9474 says : Yah but God is not a lamb again to be slaughter or crucified again God is coming with a sword to devour this generation ok>> <<@fredm.9474 says : Wrath of God is coming be ready all ok>>