<<@ArulMary-s9b says : Amen>> <<@soniapeart8756 says : Amen&Amen😊>> <<@magdalenavargas5842 says : Amen!Sabbath is holy .to God>> <<@FollowGodsWord says : •God ended His work and rested on the seventh day. Genesis 2:2 •God blessed, hallowed, and sanctified the seventh day. Genesis 2:3; Exodus 20:11 •Observed as a commandment before God wrote it in stone as the 4th commandment. Exodus 16:22-30 •The 4th commandment commemorates creation. Exodus 20:8-11 •Repeated at Canaan's entry, commemorating deliverance from bondage. Deuteronomy 5:12-15 •A day for solemn rest and holy convocation. Leviticus 23:3 •A sign of sanctification throughout generations. Exodus 31:13 •Sabbath observance a perpetual covenant. Exodus 31:16,17 •Work prohibited. Exodus 31:14,15; Jeremiah 17:19-27 •Business prohibited. Nehemiah 10:31 •Blessings to Sabbath keepers. Isaiah 56:2-7; 58:13,14 •It is lawful to do good on the Sabbath. Matthew 12:12 •Christ observed Sabbath. Mark 6:2, Luke 4:16; Luke 13:10 •The early Christian church still kept the Sabbath. Acts 13:14,27,42,44 15:21 16:13 17:2 18:4 •Jesus keeps open the Sabbath rest. Hebrews 4:4-11 •All flesh in the new earth will worship God on Sabbath. Isaiah 66:22,23>> <<@EsterBPIQUERO-ud1ez says : Happy Sabbath LORD>> <<@dimsdays says : Slimy dude>> <<@graceprice4707 says : 🙏🙏🙏>> <<@elizabethagard7930 says : Amen, The best is yet to come spending Sabbath in the earth made new>> <<@kclove9985 says : Amen 🕊❤️>> <<@mbonisitawanda1301 says : Amen>> <<@jos642 says : AMEN GOD BLESS 🙏❤️🙏US ALL>> <<@danward4170 says : Sadly, th SDA church does not undrstand the 4th commandment>> <<@janetspencer8822 says : Amen>> <<@eleonorajimeno4496 says : Amen, Sabbath is holy as He who made it holy , for the good of all.>> <<@sonyajeffkaisabenjaminsuem885 says : Amen. I love sabbath and it's the best day of the week for me and my family!!! Praise God for His sabbath!!!!!!!>> <<@showmethatthang says : Sabbath is not just a day of the week. Sabbath is very special because that is the day that all the people in the entire world remembers the creator. No other commandments that starts of with the word REMEMBER therefore sabbath is very special because it is Gods day.>>