<<@eileennudd7790 says : Our father in heaven brought his son forth from his own substance and gave him the authority to be called God his Sonship is not a job description. It is not a metaphor, it is what the Bible says that it is.>> <<@maxwellhammond3111 says : The sonship of Christ is not a job description. It is literal.>> <<@masakamarwa4284 says : If Jesus is not a literal Son also God is not a literal Father, that is nothing but the core antichrist teaching... Bible says "... He is antichrist, that denieth the Father and the Son." 1 John 2 : 22>> <<@evaavila8692 says : Background music is too loud and disturbs the message.>> <<@ywhach says : You deny the father and the son.jesus is the son of God>> <<@johansteyn3756 says : Watching this is very much the same as watching a comedy. It consists of 99% philosophy. Just watch it and search for Scripture. It is like searching for Wally, just never finding it. It is just human philosophy. Power and money goes together for sure, they don't want to lose their salaries. I really hope people will see right through it. He just want to sell his books.>> <<@johansteyn3756 says : What a lot of rubbish. You deny the Father and the Son, full stop.>> <<@christianthomas9660 says : This book will give you understanding in a way that you will appreciate the Bible more. Purchase the book…>> <<@o.g.6221 says : Jesus being eternal God should be the first and foremost belief of any Christian.>> <<@DavidJones-ji9ce says : Good words describing the Son of God but lacking instruction. What has this to do with Trinity or what does the term 'Son of God' mean?. You would have to know who God is to understand who His Son is. The Scriptures give us the Answer but because of Translation we have to reason on what is written and this can only come from the guidance of the Holy Spirit. God is Spirit and it would follow that His Son would also be Spirit. The Father and Son exist Eternally, even before the Creation of the Heavens and the Earth. Their existence was outside of the Created Realm of the Heavens and the Earth. Once Created, the Heavens became the Realm of the Father and Son. The Father appointed His Son as Ruler over All Creation, it was subject to Him, and without Him nothing would exist. The Spirit Son of God, humbled Himself by becoming a willing servant to His Father who sent Him to the Earth as Holy Spirit, to the womb of a virgin, to be born into the world as the 'Son of Man', being God with us in the Flesh. He revealed His Father to His disciples and the World explaining the Kingdom of God and the reason for being sent as the 'Lamb of God' the Sacrifice for the Sin of the World. Our understanding of this comes from the Hebrew Scriptures. Translation gives us the word 'God' (singular, or one) but the word 'God' is translated from the Hebrew word אלהים ALaHaYM (plural, more than one), giving us the understanding of The Holy Spirit Father and The Holy Spirit Son. 'Trinity', a philosophy of Man, is an explanation that tries to describe the oneness of God. Scripture clearly explains the Father and Son, we just have to read it.>> <<@Ramo718 says : We already have the Bible to read and understand. And we have also the spirit of prophecy. As the Bible says the Holy Spirit will guide you into all truth John 14. No need to purchase a third book.😎>> <<@irenawojnar5507 says : Music is far too loud>> <<@waicmayen3546 says : Christ is a literal Begotten Son of God.....>> <<@michaelarchangelischristth8216 says : We can't give wise counsel when we don't follow the scriptures that tell us makeup and lipstick is ungodly. The Spirit of Prophecy forbades it as well it is ever present in this channel and our publications. This is God's house quit placing women in jewelry and makeup in the public media that shows the world a wrong reflection. Goďs children see this and say so and so has it on its not that bad. Reflect the woman that stands on the moon in white.>>